
Showing posts from August, 2018

Time (And a little background)

Time. It forever marches on, sometimes slowly, sometimes faster than we like, but never does time simply stop. With the passing of time, whether fast or slow, comes change. Sometimes refreshing, sometimes crushing, sometimes anticipated, sometimes dreaded, change can take some getting used to. Then, other times, it happens so softly you hardly realize a change has come and gone. For much of my life, time has felt like the enemy; either racing on at breakneck speed, seemingly leaving me behind, or crawling by with the infuriating pace of molasses in January. For many years of my life, the march of time left me feeling like everyone and everything around me was changing, progressing, advancing down the road of life, while I was left standing on the side lines, a mere spectator. One by one, friends married, moved away, started families of their own, while I was left still single, still living at home, still waiting for life to happen to me. And then it did, in the most amazing miraculou...