It's Hard! (But totally worth it!)
I love being a mom. Really. I do. It's the only thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up. But let me tell you, this Mom thing is HARD! Being a mom is a lot of things. It's wonderful, and amazing, and hard, and exciting (not always in a good way, but hey, it's still excitement!), and rewarding, and hard. Someone once told me motherhood was the best hard thing they'd ever done. I didn't know what they meant then, but I do now. Someone asked me the other day what was so hard about it. I couldn't tell if they were genuinely curious, or if they were thinking , "It can't be that hard, how hard can it be?" I didn't really know how to answer them that day, but it got me thinking. What is it that makes being a mom so hard? It's messy. Constantly. Everywhere. And we're not talking just the run of the mill, someone left their shoes out, or a jacket lying on the floor, kind of messes. We're talking tornado aftermath, how in the world did t...